Friday, September 24, 2010

Chapter 1- The way I see it

The Somerville I grew up in and learned to love no longer exists. Some people seem to love the current Somerville. I miss the Somerville I grew up in.

The main thing I loved about the Somerville I grew up in was the culture. It was about who you knew, and taking care of your own, and taking care of each other. This was not some abstract thinking, it was day to day reality. When I grew up in Somerville there was a geniune concern about how to get a job and pay the bills. The same concern that people have today. But in the days I loved- there was some relief we could count on each other to help. Today it has become about what you know and its unlikely that you will find a community focused on helping those they know.

Many speculate about why Somerville change. Some think it was the RedLine. I think the end of rent control played a factor. I guess at the end things do change because thats how life works.

I do know that the caring culture I grew up in was largely self perputating. It was centered in the political realm because that how the Irish and Italian immigrants in the Boston area learned how to make sure they could get a hand up- and then build a community where they could help their kids, relatives, and friends. The center of the self perpuation was making sure that people you could count on got elected

I understand it was not perfect. In my Somerville culture I lived in it was about inclusion of those that we knew and trusted- and by default and lack of trust- exclusion of those who we did not know- and those that where not with us.

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