Thursday, October 21, 2010

It was personal

It was personal when one of the pols got indicted which felt like it happened too often. We felt embarrased and the need to explain to those outside.

We probably knew him and his family. We probably where not surprised- and sometimes we felt badly. When Michael McKenna got taken down for $500 by the FBI I dont know anyone who felt good about it. Michael was a father of 5 boys, and an alcoholic like his parents- Michael also was generally a good guy. Like his dad the Senator - Michael basically took pleasure in helping others get an opportunity.

We didnt really mind pols taking some on the side. Particularly if they where approachable- and had an issue or two we could related to. It was only when they became bigger than Somerville like Vinnie P. that the feeling where mixed when the indictments came down.

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